Thursday, February 6, 2014

Heart Full of Christ

"The more we fill our HEARTS
with the message of the risen Christ
the greater our desire 
will be to follow Him
 and live his teachings."

As I deny myself of ungodliness
bad habits
are stripped from my HEART
leaving space
for my Savior

I can begin to invite
the influence of the Spirit
by listening to uplifting music.
I may even purchase
the Scriptures on CD.
It has been a long time since
I have immersed myself
Sacred Works.

I may not be required to sell all I have,
but there are things that
I need to forsake
if I am to walk in His shoes...

What one distracting habit
will I let go of today?
Image found on Google

It may be difficult,
but he is there
lending His hands to help

Here, take my hand and
I will give you my HEART

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