Becoming a true disciple of Christ
will require every ounce
of my efforts and energy to learn the ART OF DISCIPLINE.
There are different meanings to the word discipline.
1. Willingness to reach out to the Savior over and over again.
Images from Google |
and again
and again
It is not a one time event.
2. Making conscious choices
to change my ways,
behaviors and thoughts.
Though I may have multiple choices every single day
and throughout the day...
ultimately it whittles down to just one:
the CHOICE between GOOD and EVIL
3. Improving and increasing my spiritual
by applying and practicing what I learn.
by applying and practicing what I learn.
The Spiritual Footsteps and Muscle Strengthening Program |
4. Acting according to the pattern of Jesus.
Image from Google |
The Greatest of All Mankind
The Prince of Peace
King of Kings
was not above the meekest and lowliest of deeds
such as washing the feet of His followers.
5. A sense of order in every aspect of my life.
The Prince of Peace
King of Kings
was not above the meekest and lowliest of deeds
such as washing the feet of His followers.
5. A sense of order in every aspect of my life.
Image Titled Jehovah Creates the Earth by Walter Rane |
The paramount Example of Order,
Jesus Christ ordered the World from matter unorganized
under the direction of Heavenly Father
6. A desire to do whatsoever is asked of me...
especially when no one is watching.
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