Monday, May 26, 2014

My Favorite ANYTHING and EVERYTHING Person

I had a week's worth of reflection.
Enduring a particular challenge
has tested my faith to umpteenth degree.
Like Corrie ten Boon,
trying desperately to be grateful...
even for my fleas...
I continue to press forward
hoping to discover
the hidden blessings
in this affliction.

As a result.
this book was created
in efforts of bringing
joy and peace
during times of
frustration and discouragement.

I selected works of Art
in a variety of medias
that represented the tender feelings
of my words and emotions
my favorite 

*Most of the images were found on google.
I tried to credit the Artist of each masterpiece.
I thank the Artists for sharing their renditions
their gifts and talents.
Each piece has been an inspiration.

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